CUR Institutes are a great way for institutional teams to learn about key topics and to develop strategies for institutional development. The longstanding Institute on Inquiry in the Arts and Humanities will happen again this year, this time at Trinity University in San Antonio in November. A draft schedule is available. Apply soon. Teams are notified on a rolling basis!
The goals of the institute are as follows:
Inform participants about current research on learning outcomes for students engaging in un- dergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity (URSCA).
Provide models of URSCA programs by a range of institutional types and budgets.
Facilitate teams in defining a mission and overall action plan for URSCA in the arts and humanities on their campus, developing strategies to meet those goals, and resolving challenges.
Identify sources and strategies for obtaining funding, both internal and external.
Define arts-and-humanities-friendly assessment mechanisms for the URSCA program.
Address workload and tenure & promotion issues for faculty who mentor URSCA.
Ensure that teams return to campus with an action plan that addresses some or all of the above points.
Applications open late summer.
Application deadline is now Sunday, October 6.
Institute is November 8-10 at Trinity University in San Antonio.
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Interested undergraduate students should submit abstracts for the upcoming Global Conference on Women and Gender by October 1. The meeting, which welcomes participants from all academic fields, takes place March 19–21, 2020, hosted by Christopher Newport University’s College of Arts and Humanities. This year’s conference theme is “Gender, Politics and Everyday Life: Power, Resistance and Representation”; please see the call for more information and directions for submission, and check out CURAH’s resource page on abstract writing for guidance.
Finding a place to disseminate your work is the final key step in any scholarly or creative project. Now, thanks to the work of Alexa Sand and others, CURAH maintains a sortable database of undergraduate presentation opportunities in the Arts & Humanities. We have tagged conferences by region, by date, and by approximate deadline, with web addresses to provide more information. Many of these conferences have undergraduate awards. If you find an interesting conference, read the call for papers (CFP) carefully, and consider using CURAH’s excellent advice on preparing a conference abstract. Finding a local conference can reduce your travel costs; if you’re not sure how to fund your travel, consider applying for one of CURAH’s student travel awards.
New opportunities are constantly being added. If you know of a conference in your field that invites posters or presentations from undergraduates, please let us know.
Loyola University’s History Graduate Student Association’s annual one-day conference (in Chicago on November 2) welcomes undergraduate poster submissions with a deadline of September 6. The theme of the conference is “Conscience-Driven History: Challenging Pasts, Public Spaces, and Memory.”
These days, study of the archives often begins with digital images, but an in-person visit to an actual manuscript remains a powerfully transformative scholarly experience, especially for undergraduates. Sheridon Ward, Ohio State University ’21, was lucky enough to spend time working through a massive and dense wardmote inquest book at the London Metropolitan Archives (the LMA). Sheridon has a double major in Medieval & Renaissance Studies along with Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology. CURAH caught up to her after her visit to the LMA.
CURAH: Tell us about your project.
Sheridon: During the autumn semester of 2018, I took a class that explored popular culture in 16th and 17th century London with Professor Chris Highley. As the final project, we were assigned to write an article for the Map of Early Modern London (MoEML), a map based on the Agas map that was drawn around 1561 and reprinted in 1633. Professor Highley introduced me to wardmote inquest books as a possible theme-based entry for MoEML, specifically the St. Dunstan in the West inquest register. Though it started as more of a term paper than anything else, I have continued working on the project since then, and I finally got to visit the book itself when I was in Europe over the summer.
Sheridon Ward, Ohio State University, ‘21
Originally, I worked using photos that Professor Highley had taken during his visit at the LMA, and I started to decipher the pages in the massive volume that spans from 1558 to 1823. I only studied pages within the early modern period in the first volume. These pages detail the sessions of the wardmote inquest for the Faringdon Without Ward. It names the inquest members, lists prominent businessmen (the licensed and unlicensed victuallers–sellers of alcohol– for example), and then “presents” people who have committed offenses to the Lord Mayor of London for redress. These offenses can range from petty complaints against poultry dealers for their baskets protruding too far into the road to accusations of adultery.
Overall, my archive project summarizes and explores the wealth of knowledge of everyday life that can be found in the pages of the wardmote inquest book. It reveals their priorities and values, how government on the smallest level worked, and how they systematically and scrupulously organized these sessions. Additionally, it addresses questions of social mobility and social standing by studying how aldermen were affected by their participation and what infractions were and weren’t punished.
CURAH: What are the easiest and hardest things about the work you’re doing?
Sheridon: The greatest obstacle that I faced during this project was unquestionably deciphering the secretary hand in the documents and coping with the fact that English spelling wasn’t yet standardized. I frequently had to use the OED Online to verify the spelling of the word that I thought I was seeing in order to link it to the modern spelling of the word.
Another obstacle was the monotony of the court proceedings. While snippets of information were fascinating to read, most of the items dealt with defective pavements or improper weights and measures. When each sentence is a struggle to decipher, it makes skimming for the more unique items much more difficult.
The easiest part of my research was finding the resources that I needed. Prof. Highley would send me frequent emails with articles related to wardmotes, and the LMA created a welcoming environment for looking at these documents. I was originally intimidated by handling a document so old, and I was terrified that they wouldn’t even let me into the archives to look at the document, but I was surprised at how painless the process was even though I’m just an undergraduate.
CURAH: What kinds of things have you learned, about the early modern period, about scholarship, or about yourself?
Sheridon: Through this project, I’ve learned a lot about early modern social structures and how they parallel our current structures and preoccupations. When I was exploring the part of London that I was studying, I came across a sign that listed the current aldermen of the Faringdon Without Ward. While some of these aldermen are now alderwomen, it was surprising to learn that these government structures still exist so similarly 400 years later.
I also learned that no matter how much passion and inspiration you have for a project in scholarship, you still need determination and discipline. Otherwise, you miss those small snippets of unique stories and information that actually breathe life into the document. And although technology has evolved to give scholars greater access to important materials, nothing compares to handling the material artifact itself. It provides a wealth of information in its own right, even before you read the words on the page.
CURAH: Have you made any discoveries along the way?
Sheridon: While I haven’t found any groundbreaking information, one thing that struck me was just how intrusive some of these documents seem. The extent to which the rest of the community is involved and watchful of everyone else seems like an invasion of privacy to my modern sensibility, but it was entirely normal then. They kept track of who came to church regularly and reported people who failed to attend church as “recusants.” However, even though this is the type of issue that would be presented to the Lord Mayor, the frequency with which some people were reported seems to suggest that it wasn’t effectively handled or simply wasn’t a priority.
Henry Lusher, for example, appears almost every year as a recusant from 1621 to 1651. However, in 1622, he was named as a petty juryman, and the fact that his recusancy continues for likely more than 30 years is puzzling and raises questions as to how important regular church attendance really was in the early modern period.
CURAH: How do you imagine this archive project will help you in your career goals?
Sheridon: Learning how to read secretary hand early on in my career is a very valuable skill to have, and I have gained experience in reading court documents that are more informal and less bogged down with technical terminology as kind of an introduction to other handwritten legal documents.
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We are calling for nominations for our 2nd annual Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Award, honoring exemplary faculty mentors of undergraduate researchers in our fields. The award carries a $1,000 prize along with public recognition by CUR. The nomination process is being handled by the national office. In brief, here’s how it will work. All CUR members with at least five years of post-grad teaching in the arts or humanities are eligible.
Phase I: A letter of nomination from an appropriate administrator (President, Provost, etc.) plus a 3 page CV for the candidate — No self nomination permitted and only one nominee per campus. The Phase I deadline is November 8, 2019. Finalists will be notified by December 20.
Phase II: Finalists from Phase I will submit a five page personal narrative and two recommendation letters from current or former undergraduate student mentees. The Phase II deadline is February 21, 2020. The winner will hear by the end of March, 2020.
(Optional) Documentation of work when appropriate, limit to five images as a single PDF, especially for sessions in which artists might discuss their own practice.
CUR’s annual business meeting concluded last week at the Ohio University. Councilors welcomed new members, elected a new set of officers, and basked in the division’s achievements during the year including two new awards for students and faculty, a substantial endowment (to which you can donate), the Volunteer-of-the-Year award for our beloved outgoing chair, Maria Iacullo-Bird, and a shoutout from the CUR President for this very blog and website.
New Councilors
New councilors present at the meeting include Debra Bourdeau (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), David García (Carthage College), and Diana McClintock (Kennesaw State University). Check out their biographies on our councilor page.
Awards débuted in 2018/19
CURAH takes great pride in two new awards in the past year, the Trimmer Travel Award for undergraduates, and the Arts & Humanities Mentor Award. Details for future applications are available on our award page. Behind these two awards lies endowed funding, and CURAH now has the largest endowment of any CUR division… by far. If you would like, you too can donate to the work of the division.
New officers
CURAH’s new chair is Alexa Sand (Utah State University); the vice-chair is Ian F. MacInnes (Albion College), and the secretary is Michelle Hayford (University of Dayton).
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The latest book from CUR is Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller, and Jessie L. Moore. The volume offers both advice (to mentors and institutions) and information about the latest trends in mentoring. The biggest overall argument of the book is that we need to find ways to “scale access to high-quality mentored UR within institutions,” bundling and scaffolding opportunities within the curriculum (217). Given this goal, the book is clearly aimed at a wide audience, but there are some key lessons for faculty in the arts and humanities.
Sections specific to the arts and humanities
As you might expect, the arguments drawn from surveys are less specifically useful to the arts and humanities because STEM projects still dominate undergraduate research. In one survey mentioned, for example, only 6.1% of the respondents were in humanities and arts (23). But five of the volume’s 27 contributors are in the arts and humanities: one artist (Dijana Ihas), three English/writing faculty (Jane Greer, Jessie Moore, and Michael Neal), and CURAH’s own Jenny Olin Shanahan. Their experiences come through in case studies and in specific recommendations. One special section, by music professor Dijana Ihas, is specifically devoted to “mentoring research in the arts” (138-142). Later, in the chapter on integrating research into the curriculum, there appears a short program-level case study of the English curriculum at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota (189-190).
Trending topics
Including underrepresented students in undergraduate research
Integrating research into the curriculum
Faculty development
If you can only read one chapter, what should it be?
For individual faculty mentors: Chapter 4: “10 Salient Practices for Mentoring,” by Helen Walkington, Eric E. Hall, Jenny Olin Shanahan, Elizabeth Ackley, and Kearsley Stewart
For anyone involved in curriculum development: Chapter 7: “Undergraduate Research in the Curriculum and as Pedagogy” by Brad Wuetherick, John Willison, and Jenny Olin Shanahan.
For administrators: Chapter 5: “Supporting Faculty Development for Mentoring in Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work,” by Vicki L. Baker, Jane Greer, Laura G. Lunsford, Dijana Ihas, and Meghan J. Pifer.
This year’s Trimmer Travel Award winner is Olivia Reyes, a Global Art and Visual Culture Major at the University of Central Oklahoma. Reyes presented at the 2nd World Congress on Undergraduate Research at the University of Oldenburg. She analyzed Cuban, Polish, and American posters advertising the two American films, George C. Scott’s Rage (1972), and Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather (1972). CURAH caught up with Reyes and asked her how it went. Here is what she told us.
CURAH Chair Maria Iacullo-Bird congratulates Olivia Reyes.
Olivia Reyes reflects on her experiences
It is difficult to fully describe the value of my 2nd World Congress on Undergraduate Research experience. Nowhere else have I had the opportunity to work and collaborate with colleagues and scholars from across the globe. In addition to attending excellent keynote speakers like Dr. Lujendra Ojha, Dr. Anne Dippel, and Dr. Sonia Fizek, I also attended presentations by my undergraduate colleagues. There was such a strong emphasis on global relationships and the need for international cooperation, something that I felt we were all actively a part of in those moments.
My own presentation, a poster exploring the cross-culture development of visual languages during the Cold War through Polish, Cuban, and American film posters, was integral part of my experience. This project was the result of close to four years of work, and to be able to explore it with my international colleagues and scholars from a variety of disciplines was invaluable. I believe my research was well received, and I acquired many incites on the possibilities of traveling abroad once again to continue my research, as well as various ways to expand the research itself even further.
Cuban poster for George C. Scott’s Rage (1972)
Another truly valuable part of my experience was the chance to network with other researchers and scholars. I particularly enjoyed the “communications” thematic session. Each of us came from a wide variety of disciplines but found ways to incorporate our own knowledge and ideas into one project. Going off the idea of a colleague from South Africa, we developed a series of research questions and ideas for the development of a baby monitoring device for deaf parents, one that would be as affordable as possible for people worldwide. I am proud of what we accomplished during that short time, and I hope I have the chance to work with these colleagues in the future!
It is often said that we live in an increasingly global community, and indeed, in order to tackle global issues it is more important than ever to connect with colleagues from a variety of disciplines and from around the world. I believe the 2nd World Congress on Undergraduate Research was the first of opportunity of many for my colleagues and myself to be a part of that global dialogue. I am truly honored to have attended such an event, and I am grateful to have received the Trimmer Travel Award.