CUR Institutes are a great way for institutional teams to learn about key topics and to develop strategies for institutional development. The longstanding Institute on Inquiry in the Arts and Humanities will happen again this year, this time at Trinity University in San Antonio in November. A draft schedule is available. Apply soon. Teams are notified on a rolling basis!
The goals of the institute are as follows:
- Inform participants about current research on learning outcomes for students engaging in un- dergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity (URSCA).
- Provide models of URSCA programs by a range of institutional types and budgets.
- Facilitate teams in defining a mission and overall action plan for URSCA in the arts and humanities on their campus, developing strategies to meet those goals, and resolving challenges.
- Identify sources and strategies for obtaining funding, both internal and external.
- Define arts-and-humanities-friendly assessment mechanisms for the URSCA program.
- Address workload and tenure & promotion issues for faculty who mentor URSCA.
- Ensure that teams return to campus with an action plan that addresses some or all of the above points.
Applications open late summer.
Application deadline is now Sunday, October 6.
Institute is November 8-10 at Trinity University in San Antonio.